Needed: 2 volunteers for Zoning Board of Appeals

Ever thought about getting involved with your local government?

The Town of Pine Ridge has two Zoning Board of Appeals vacancies that may be of interest to you.

What's in it for you?

Getting involved with your local community can really help make a difference to the area that you live in.  If you've ever wanted to play a bigger role in your community and make a positive impact on the lives of those around you, then this is the challenge for you!

Current Openings: Zoning Board of Appeals:  Two openings, meeting on an as needed basis. 

The Zoning Board of Appeals major responsibility is to review questions and appeals which arise under the provisions of the Town's Zoning Ordinance.  The Board hears all requests for variations in zoning, various special use permits, and appeals from administrative decisions or interpretations of the Zoning Code. Although this is a volunteer position, we have created a "job description", so that you can be better informed of what you will be doing as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Requirements:  S.C. State Law Article 9, requires a six-hour orientation class for new members(broken into 2 three-hour classes) and a three-hour continuing education class each year thereafter.  The Town will pay for these classes. 

If you would like to apply, email me at