
Jury Duty Information

Juror Disqualification Criteria
You may be disqualified from serving as a Municipal Court juror if you meet one of the following criteria:

You are not a U.S. Citizen

You do not reside in the Town of Pine Ridge

You work in a court capacity

You have served on a Pine Ridge Municipal Court jury within the same calendar year

You have a mental/physical condition that prevents you from serving

You pled guilty to or were found guilty of a crime which carried as punishment a year or more in jail and you have not had your rights restored by amnesty or pardon.

You may be exempt from serving as a Municipal Court juror if you meet one of the following criteria:

You are 65 years of age or older and wish to be excused

You have legal custody, duty of care of a child under the age of 7 and you do not work outside the home

You are the primary caregiver of a person age 65 or older or a disabled person who cannot care for themselves and you do not work outside the home

If you believe you meet any of the disqualification and/or exempt criteria, you must submit a notarized statement and/or proof attesting to the above statement.

Reporting for Jury Duty

When arriving for Jury Duty, you will be separated from parties to the cases being called. It is important that you do not speak with any party to the cases. Please do not bring food, drink, relatives or friends with you.