Police Department

Welcome to the online home of the Pine Ridge Police Department (PRPD). We strive to provide effective and reliable police services to the citizens of Pine Ridge and our visitors. We do our utmost to keep the community safe and secure, and to create an environment in which the public knows that they can call on the PRPD for prompt assistance when needed. By working together, we can identify and resolve issues which affect the safety and security of our community. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Message from the Chief

It is an honor to serve the Citizens and visitors of the Town of Pine Ridge.  It is my intent to work with community leaders in order to provide a safe and secure area for people to live, work, and play.  The Pine Ridge Police Department will continue to build solid working relationships with its citizens and visitors that enforce trust and understanding between our officers and the citizens we are sworn and honored to protect.   I was born and raised in this community and know how special this town is.  It is my intent to reduce crime by being visible in our communities and neighborhoods and by having a proactive approach to preventing criminal activity.  I plan on continuing the monthly Chief’s forums with the Businesses and Citizens of the town as well as attending any Neighborhood meetings within the community.  I want all who live and visit here to feel safe, secure and respected and anytime I or a member of my department fails to live up to that standard I want to know about it.  Once again, I am honored for this opportunity and look forward to serving the Town of Pine Ridge as Police Chief.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Pine Ridge Police Department is to provide outstanding Crime Prevention and other Law Enforcement Services to the Citizens of Pine Ridge and all who visit or conduct business in the Town of Pine Ridge.  Our Officers will meet this standard by building trust with the community and by providing professional, and ethical Law Enforcement services to all those who live in and visit our town.  


Public Hearing July 9th, 2024, 6:30pm

Public Hearing June 18 2024

Special Called Meeting Tuesday March 26, 2024, 6:30pm

Public Hearing February 13 2024 6:30 Ordinance 2024-02

Public Hearing February 13 2024 6:30 Ordinance 2024-04

Town of Pine Ridge Christmas Holiday Schedule